cwi-logo-red-2Thank You For Enrolling In The Core Wellness Institute!

Your Transaction Has Been Completed Successfully! You're receipt from "Core Wellness" should be in your inbox now.

Here’s What To Expect Now...

You will receive 3 emails within the next minute or two.


  • "Receipt of Purchase" Email:  it will be from "Core Wellness" with the subject line, "Receipt From Core Wellness Institute".  This is simply your receipt of purchase.
  • "Congrats - You are registered" Email:  it will be from "Dr. Steve".  It will have your username (the email address you signed up with) and a temporary password along with simple instructions for logging in to CWI.
  • Confirmation Email:  it will be from "Dr. Steve" asking you to confirm your subscription to CWI emails for important course news and updates.  Be sure to click on the confirmation link within the message.  (IMPORTANT...if you use gmail, be sure to check your "Promotions" tab if you don't see it in your primary box.)

Check Your Inbox Now And We'll See You Inside CWI!