Thanks For Attending The Webinar! Below Is Your Limited Time Offer To Save $50 and Get BONUS 90 Days of Direct Access Premium Coaching (Worth $291) When You Enroll In The Core Wellness Institute.
IMPORTANT: Special Webinar Attendee Enrollment Period Expires Midnight Pacific Time, Monday Sept. 5th!
The text below has all the details of exactly what to expect when you enroll. I look forward to working with you! -Dr. Steve
Hi, my name is Dr. Steve Hoffman and I specialize in helping people reverse pain and unhealthy aging caused by an extremely common, predictable, and reversible stress induced muscle imbalance condition called Crossed Posture Syndrome.
I'm going to lay it out bluntly... So many people are needlessly suffering from pain, fatigue, and just being "sick and tired of being sick and tired" because they have never even heard of stress induced muscle imbalances and Crossed Posture Syndrome! (If for some reason, you got to this page without knowledge of can see a detailed video describing the syndrome here.) It saddens and sometimes even angers me to see people who get awesome treatments from their chiros, physios, osteopaths, massage therapists, acupuncturists, or whoever...
BUT they never get the "rewiring" of these posture and movement patterns that caused the pain or symptom in the first place!
Here's the truth...
Releasing and Re-wiring CPS patterns MUST BE DONE...BY EVERYONE.
These patterns of stress induced weakness and tightness are predictable and reversible.
Yet people are still suffering with pain and continuing DEPENDENT relationships with their practitioners.
*It's like snipping the weed at the ground level and expecting it to go away (and I know...I'm a gardener!)
*It's like hiding your "check engine light" with a business card! (yes, I have done this)
*It's like taking the battery out of your fire alarm when it goes off!
OK...I guess you get the picture.
The ONLY way to make LASTING change is to fundamentally RE-WIRE your brain's programming!
Listen...right now you've got stressful and damaging movement programs, eating programs, and thinking programs that are keeping you STUCK in a stress pattern keeping your in your current loop of symptoms and emotional state.
But this is GOOD NEWS! Because that's all they are...PROGRAMS.
They are just like computer software programs that can be "written over". this instantaneous? NO! It's a process. It takes commitment. It takes focus. It takes consistency. If you're just looking for a quick fix, obviously this program is not for you.
But if you're sick of replaying the same day over and over again and are ready to break the cycle of stress and degeneration, then let's do it!
And let me say boldly...this program is PROVEN to create long lasting change (just read the stories on the info page) and it's GUARANTEED to exceed your expectations or you get refunded in full.
Speaking of the program, What is it, exactly?
Here's the scoop...after my first 10 years of treating every kind of pain syndrome imaginable in my chiropractic rehabilitation practice, I discovered that in at least 80% of the cases, I was doing the exact same thing!
I was simply giving specific exercises to reverse the predictable stress induced muscle imbalance pattern of Crossed Posture Syndrome!
At the same time, I was giving simple dietary instructions to reduce inflammation and combat the cellular aging process. And my patients were losing weight, finally escaping from chronic pain, getting rid of high cholesterol, allergies, auto-immune disease, and even diabetes! Additionally...since I've always been a student of brain science and how to make healthy changes that actually stick by "reprogramming" thought patterns, I started incorporating more mindset strategies as well.
Then it happened... After a huge "aha" training in Chicago with 2 world renowned physiotherapists from Prague (where I discovered how to create "Organic" posture through the "Push Away Phenomenon"), I came home inspired to create a SYSTEM to "Release and Rewire" the damaging programs of thought, movement, and nutrition that lead to pain and unhealthy aging from Crossed Posture Syndrome. It was originally designed as an "in-person" 12-week immersion program with 3 times per week "Reverse CPS" group circuit training, weekly Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Action Guides, weekly seminar on how to optimize anti-aging body systems, and weekly 15-minute Reverse CPS bodywork sessions.
Participants paid $2000 for this groundbreaking "Release and Rewire" program and we got awesome results (you can see success stories below), got written up in the news, and I was set to create a franchise with the system.
But instead of creating a chain of these "circuit based" Core Wellness Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Programs, I decided to make it more affordable and go global with the internet instead. So I've taken the entire program (besides the bodywork :-)) and put it up online with:
*Detailed instructional videos
*"Mini Circuit" videos (flow with Dr. Steve 🙂
*Printable PDF's of exercises
*Printable PDF's of Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC) Action Guides
*Live audio recordings of the education seminars
(You can see the exact details of everything you get below.) There has also been lots of supporting material added over the last few years as I answered thousands of questions from over 700 students, but the core program...with nothing still as powerful as ever.
And Good News! Once you have LIFETIME ACCESS to the training site so you can do it as a totally self paced course.
As far as cost...there's more good news. You don't have to travel thousands of miles or pay $2000 for the program. You can take advantage my 300+ hours and 30,000+ plus dollars I've spent on continuing ed to learn from the world leaders on the cutting edge of human performance for just a fraction of the cost.
So if you're ready to rediscover your core, reverse CPS, and start living life with less pain, more energy, and more FUN, then scroll down to choose your enrollment option below and I'll see you on the inside of the Core Wellness Institute!
Introducing...The "Reverse CPS Now!" Core Wellness Training Course. The ONLY online training program designed specifically to reverse the pain, fatigue, and unhealthy aging from Crossed Posture Syndrome!
Pain Relief...The Common "Side Benefit" of Reversing CPS
The focus of this training course is one ONE THING…reversing Crossed Posture Syndrome. When your joints and muscles are re-balanced and back into “Centration”, it results in relief from common conditions like back pain, sciatica, shoulder pain, neck pain, stress headaches, TMJ, and plantar fascitis, to name a few. A nice side benefit!
Re-Awaken Youthful Posture...It's Still In There!
Your inborn patterns of ideal upright posture are still in your brain…and you’ll learn how to re-awaken these patterns through unique Eastern European methods that bring your nervous system “back in time” for a feeling of lightness and ease that’s been suppressed for years…maybe decades 🙂
"Organic Correction" It Shouldn't HURT To Fix Your Posture.
You won’t hear cues like “pinch your shoulder blades together”, or “chin up, chest out”, or “pull your belly button to your spine”! This is about re-creating a natural feeling of being upright, calm, and confident without feeling stress and overworking muscles in the process.
Before ANY Exercise...DO THIS FIRST
There’s lots of awesome exercise options for weight loss out there but when you exercise with poor posture and movement patterns, you’re going to end up with frustrating injuries sooner or later. This course is designed as a “Do This First” program to prepare you for Yoga, Pilates, Zumba, P90x, Insanity, or whatever you want to do!
Avoid the "Nursing Home Shuffle"
Most people have been through a tough time with a parent or grandparent who have lost their independence because of health issues. It’ no fun. Core Wellness is all about helping you avoid becoming a burden on your family by keeping you thinking, eating, and moving with youthful vitality into your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and beyond!
Holistic Approach
Although the course has an strong bias toward physical exercise and postural alignment, the physical piece is just one of the 3 Pillars of Core Wellness. Mental / emotional stress reduction and nutritional intervention is critical to your success in long term transformation. All three pillars are addressed in a non-dogmatic fashion.

Here's Everything You Get Inside The Core Wellness Institute:
- Preparatory "Getting Started" Module plus 5 Core physical training modules with:
- Detailed Video Tutorials Of Reverse CPS Exercises
- Printable PDF's Of Exercises with detailed coaching cues
- "Mini-Circuit" of Module Exercises (Flow with Dr. Steve)
- "Core Concepts / "Non-Exercise Activities"
- Q&A Video Training
- Module 6 "Flow Series" after mastering good form through the modules, put all the moves together with the "Flow Series". You can use this 39 minute series for ongoing daily practice or as a kick start if you happen to get off track 🙂
- "3 Pillars" Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Action Guides - 12 PDF's with Mindset, Movement, and Nutrition strategies for less pain, more energy, and cellular age reversal.
- "The 10 Core Secrets" A full audio course of live recorded seminars on how to modify the risk factors for pain, fatigue, and unhealthy aging. Deep dive education on detoxification, immune system, hormone balance, stress hormone balancing, blood sugar / insulin management, methylation, and more... (Live recordings of 11 powerful seminars...90 minutes each!)
- How to do "Activities of Daily Living (ADL's)" without hurting yourself. Exercises come and go, but it’s “how you do what you do when you do it” that matters most when you want to protect and preserve your active body and active life!
- Resource Center for recommended posture restoration tools, diet guides, 'how to find a practitioner" checklist, and more.
- NEW! Core Wellness Institute "Student Union" PRIVATE Facebook Group - After years of resistance to creating a Facebook group...I can't ignore the fact that real community can happen there. Community has been missing for a long time from CWI and now you can finally join with "like minds" for support, motivation, and inspiration to stay on track with your Core Wellness journey! (You will receive the link to join after enrolling.)
- The CWI Webinar Workshop Vault - SEVEN (and counting) workshops on hot topics like Common Yoga Mistakes, Pre-Yoga Preparation, "Human Yoga", Sciatica Solutions, Fixing Forward Head Posture (2 parts), and Low Back Pain Solutions. And we'll continue to add more!
- NEW: Build it with me "Human Yoga" Training Course - This is a brand new course we're building that goes through the fundamentals of infant development movements and relates them to common Yoga poses and movement sequences. All students are encouraged to participate and help build this exciting new course.
- Foam Rolling Mini-Course - Self myofascial release can be extremely powerful. Learn how to treat your own trigger points without hurting yourself in the process
- Practical Healthy Living Integration (PHLI) Series - package of 4 individual training sesssions to help you actually integrate Mindset, Movement, and Nutrition changes into your daily life.
- Detox / Weight Loss Workshop - You can run, but you can't hide...toxins are everywhere and they are stored in your fat. Learn how to avoid them and speed their removal from your body as you burn fat with the strategies presented. (Video, Audio, diet guides, recipes, and more.)
- How To Train Your Brain For Permanent Healthy Change - Break free from you own personal "Groundhog Day". Discover the brain science of making change that sticks, nutritional support for brain chemistry balancing for ADHD, Anxiety, Depression, Memory, and more. Plus the power of posture adn movement on brain health. (Audio training with slides included for reference.)
- Ability to view all comments! If you choose not to do the free coaching trial below which gives you the ability to submit questions on the site through the comments, I had special software built so you're still able to view my answers to other peoples' questions! Pretty cool, huh?
- 20% Discount On High Quality Metagenics Supplements: Do a Clear Change Detox for your liver, a 4R Gut Restoration Program, or just get your multi, vitamin D and fish oils at a significant savings! I've used Metagenics for years for their strict quality control and clinical trials they do with their products.
FREE 90-Day Premium Coaching Package With Direct Access To Dr. Hoffman For Individual Help!
Here's what you get with Direct Access Premium Coaching:
- Direct Access Coaching With Dr. Hoffman - all questions asked in the comments section of the site are answered directly. This is individualized help for your specific issues. Essentially, you've got Dr. Hoffman "on retainer" when you remain a Premium Coaching member.
- Twice monthly Skype / phone "Speed Coaching Office Hours" - In addition to Dr. Steve's attention to your individual comments on a daily basis, twice a month during scheduled "Office Hours", you can call in for a PRIVATE ONE-ON-ONE strategy session! 10 minute appointments are normally $50. So this is a $100/month value when you take advantage of it.
- Your Question Featured In The Monthly Q&A Highlights Video - I take the questions from the previous month that I feel would benefit all students and record my expanded answers with video. So you could have your specific question expanded upon in a detailed video!

100% Risk Free 30 Day Guarantee
Because I want you to have peace of mind with this decision, you have a full 30 days to decide if this program is right for you. If you decide otherwise, no problem, just contact us through the support tab on the site and your enrollment fee with be promptly returned in full. This way I take all the risk off your shoulders and place it squarely on mine. So you have nothing to lose!
“No Longer Spending $200/Week On A Chiropractor!”
Just had to let you know the power I have back in my life! Thanks for helping me understand the mechanics behind my disc bulges and teaching me the “hip hinge” (that was my big learning moment!) I am now pain free and was able to wean myself off weekly visits to the chiropractor (2 of which said they could no longer help me, and I went for an MRI) and now I’m no longer spending $200/ week! I am 34 and have 3 kids, 5, 6, and 9 and we are ALL happy that I am once again a functioning Mom and sleeping better than ever! Keep doing what you’re doing!
Heather, Mother of Three From Ontario, Canada
From Ominous Low Back Pain To Completing Four 5ks Last Year And Training For My First Half Marathon!
“I developed hip and low back pain that was very similar to what I heard my mother describe to her doctor one day and felt an ominous feeling that I was going to be just like her.
I couldn’t let that happen. I did a search on back pain and found the Reverse CPS website. It made sense to me. I had never done anything like this when I signed up for the course and it has saved my life.
The positive approach really made me understand how my posture was affecting my back and hip pain.
I loved the videos of the exercises and the ability to receive feedback when you have a question about how certain exercises may be affecting you.
After completing the course, even though my old Chiropractor told me I couldn’t run 5Ks because my back would hurt too much, I was able to continue training and completed four 5ks last year and am training for my first half marathon with no debilitating back pain.
I have increased my core strength and learned to move in a more productive way. The information in the course is invaluable.
I also love the proactive stance and encouragement that is reaffirmed within every part of the course that you can change your current circumstances and live a healthy and energetic life.
It’s so easy to incorporate into your life and the encouragement from the private coaching helps to keep you motivated and moving in the right direction!!!
This course has given me hope that I will live the last half of my life with energy and exuberance!!!!
Thank you, Dr. Hoffman!
Nancy Dougherty, Greenville, TN
“More Focused, Happy, Energetic, and Productive!”
I enrolled in the program because, basically…I needed a swift kick!!!!!!!!
And now, because of the encouragement of your voice in my head and your happy face kicking me along (oops…peacefully inspiring me ) I am more focused and I feel happy, energetic, and productive every day I wake up!
I definitely know when I am off balance. But with the training in the course, I’ve been able to get myself centered and become the person I am meant to be.
Carol White, Sellersburg, IN
“Best Investment I’ve Ever Made”
Before I started this course, a power chair was my main means of getting from one place to another.
I did not have the energy to be very productive. I could tell I was gradually getting worse. I even considered moving to assisted living because it was becoming so difficult to function.
Then I saw Dr. Hoffman’s sciatica YouTube video, and immediately got some relief from my pain and I intuitively knew you could help me.
He breaks things down to their smallest parts, and then builds, combining the parts into a whole. Rather than building skills that are advanced with no foundation.
I like the fact that he teaches people where they are, at their own pace, not with a preconceived idea of where they should be.
This and your supportive style that became obvious in the free course, caused me to know this was important for me to do.
I was concerned the course might be too demanding and advanced for me to be able to participate and succeed. But those fears were unfounded because I learned it was ok to move at my own pace and Dr. Hoffman gave me many adaptations and tools to help me be successful at my level.
Now I’m feeling stronger each day rather than weaker. I have been on disability, and am feeling very encouraged that I will be able to go back to work.
I can now get up and down off of the floor (it had been many years since I was able to do this) and I no longer am terrified if I fell I would need to call 911 just to get up even if I were not hurt.
I can now put my own socks on, and partially dress myself without using all of my dressing tools. I have energy now to do more than just the very minimum daily necessities.
A big difference I see is that I am no longer in pain every day and no longer take pain medication several times a day.
My Mother mentioned that I am getting taller. I am able to stand almost straight.
I am learning to walk again. This would not have been possible without the exercises that began to strengthen my core, and give my body more mobility.
The videos explain so clearly how to do the exercises, and are always available for review. The focus on exercise, nutrition, and mind set is integrated and balanced.
It is adaptable to any fitness level, and any pace. The knowledge, energy, and support that is available from the videos is very unique.
If this course charged by the number of minutes I accessed the site, for all the time that was spent answering my questions personally, and if there were a way to charge for everything I have learned, and how much my life has changed, I could never afford to pay that amount.
I actually found myself feeling I was taking advantage, and getting much more than I had paid for.
It was the best investment I have ever made.
I am feeling very encouraged. My body is starting to move in ways I had no idea it would ever again, and pain is so much less than it has been for years.
The concept of moving like your body was originally designed to move, seems so logical and simple. However, this is the first time I have ever been exposed to that concept.
It is also the only thing that has ever worked.
Thank you Dr. Steve for sharing your wisdom in this wonderful course.
Carol Wheeler, Champaigne, IL
German Osteopath Gets Relief From Abnormal Heart Rhythm With Simple Posture and Breathing Changes
Before enrolling in this course, my active life was being altered by a strange heart rhythm abnormality that came on during a light endurance run in May 2012 and got to a crisis state by Nov. 2012.
When my heart beat was up to 170 or higher it went up to 220 and it took nearly an hour to go back to a normal state (60-80 beats)
I´ve tried a lot of natural remedies – detoxification of the body etc. (I even had 2 teeth extracted!) but nothing really helped my training come back to normal because the heart rhythm deviation was now coming without reason during the day.
When I found Dr. Hoffman’s YouTube channel I´ve decided to take part in the training course and now my heart rate deviations are going to a normal state.
It hit home to me when you talked about how when your joints are centered and aligned with good breathing and proper rib cage position, your nervous system can relax. This is what I believe helped my heart rhythm.
Now my activity level, mood, and range of motion are increasing daily. I can now do some joint mobility exercises a lot of better.
As an Osteopath, I was attracted to this program because it talks about the origin of our movement.
I´d like to say that this program is the mother of all other sports and daily life activities.
If you cannot manage your core you´ll get your movement from somewhere else and this will compromise the body and lead to pain.
Do this exercise program first and build your sports activity upon it and you´ll get the best results ever.
Detlef Pohlmann, Osteopath in Fulda, Germany
“I Went Backpacking For The First Time In 30 Years!”
This training has literally has changed my life. After following some of your suggestions for lower back and movement issues, I went backpacking for the first and second time in 30 years!
We did some amazing and difficult packing in Yellowstone, and then 5 of us went backpacking outside the Grand Canyon. We did a day hike (about 16-18 mi round trip) to the Colorado River starting from Havuspai Falls.
Never would have THOUGHT about all this before working on the lower back, abs, and massive “rolling out” on that roller. (I brought a small roller on the trip – and I packed light!)
Rich Reiss, Charlottesville, VA
“The Tightness In My Shoulders Has Improved 99%!”
I loved the “angels” and balance work. The pain and tightness between my shoulders has improved 99%! I can stand taller and stronger – it affects everything.
I am stronger and younger, too. I also now understand that some things in our “emotional brain” can contribute to how we feel and that it can be released and rewired.
This is something I need. Everyone needs.
Michelle Johnson, New Albany, IN
“New Body Awareness Has Been Revitalizing! Cravings For Unhealthy Food All But GONE! I Feel Like This Is The Path To True Transformation”
The biggest change I’ve experienced is awareness. I suffer from upper and lower CPS. Understanding the nature of CPS has created an awareness that has changed my thoughts everyday since I found your website.
So many changes have followed.More lights turned on when I started gaining flexibility in my thoracic spine and hips. Breaking away from my upper trapezius dominant patterns has be very revitalizing.
The same with lengthening my hip flexors and opening up my hips. Now that I’m waking up my feet I am really coming to life! Three pillars… brilliant. I feel I’m on the road to continual improvement.
Along with the foam roller, I use my Body Back Buddy everyday and have been studying The Trigger Point Therapy Workbook. This has really allowed me to break through the lockdown muscle tension. It’s almost like hitting little reset buttons – extremely powerful.
My nutrition habits have completely transformed as well. I eat chia seed pudding every morning and use my Omega 8005 juicer every day. Once I’ve started eating healthy foods the craving for unhealthy foods has all but disappeared.
As far as mindset, I have been aware of many of the principles you teach, but I’ve struggled with putting them into practice. With the nutrition and movement pillars strengthening, the mindset pillar is following suit.
I am slowly going through the program, but I think about the concepts I learn continuously and slowly adding the exercises into my routine. I’ll keep you updated on my progress.
Thanks again for all your lessons. They have given me a path toward true transformation!
Chris King, Champagne, IL
“Knowledge, Personal Tailored Advice, and Encouragement. Worth Every Penny!”
I hope that this comment can be viewed by everyone as I want to say that I paid up for the course and would not have it otherwise. It is always lovely to have free stuff, but it is so true that often the value of the content is overlooked if there’s not some price on it.
So lets put this into perspective.
Dr Steve is a qualified and knowledgeable person who just happens to be generous enough to put loads of free (USEFUL) stuff up on the web. How many people do that?
Most people will put up 30% of the info then make you listen to a half hour promo to buy the rest of the info.
Dr Steve has given his TIME, his KNOWLEDGE, his TAILORED, PERSONAL ADVICE, his ENCOURAGEMENT, and the ability to read other peoples comments to ENHANCE YOUR LIFE – not his. FREE. And if you pay a bit, then you get that and a whole lot more time, knowledge, and advice.
Generally, I am a skeptic, especially when purchasing anything off the internet – in fact I rarely do buy anything off the net because of this.
However, I thought this was a very reasonably priced course and took the plunge hoping to receive at least some of what was promised.
I am pleased to say that it has been worth every penny, and Dr Steve’s interaction, guidance and advice is not only great, but you aren’t left waiting long for a response, which I am very impressed with.
As mentioned, it’s nice to have free stuff, but another thing about paying up is that it helped me commit to doing something.
I look forward to some part of the course everyday as it is a joy to feel myself becoming healthier and more positive about life in general.
Kristina Jansons-Binns – London, United Kingdom
“Surgeons Now Suggesting I Should Continue Following This Program!”
Dr. Steve,You have described a transformational secret here that if applied will change lives for the better! I know because the very things you are discussing here I have been working with through your blog and program and the bennifits are amazing!
Just a brief background, several months ago I suffered a disc injury to my back and yep, I was frightened. The mind set of I’m broken and all the things I thought I could never do again. Yes it was difficult because my physical activity was greatly curtailed due to pain. I had an injured back and I needed someone to “fix it”. I had consultations that surgery was the answer. But deep down I felt I should try a more concervitive approach first.
Perhaps I should think what I could do to take ownership of my problem. After all, if I were honest with myself, I had to admit that my sedentary lifestyle was truly a major factor in the development of this situation. That’s when I found your blog.
I have been applying what you have spoken about here. My mindset, I no longer have a back injury, I have a ‘healing back’. I just now finished another round of ‘Cross Posturue Syndrome’ (CPS) exercises after having a green smoothie and I’m feeling no pain in my back! I am optimistic that I am on the road to recovery. Each day my symptoms become more and more under My Control!
Surgeons are now suggesting I continue with what I’m doing. Oh, and yes, I’ve lost weight, I can move in ways that I have not moved in years, and life in general is much brighter!
Dr. Steve, what you are sharing here, though it may seem to some, to be to simple to be true, is in fact a very powerful truth. So often it’s the simple little things in life that when added up make the big differences, yet, because they seem too simple, they are so easy to ignore and the benefits are lost.
Thank you for your blog and for you CPS program it is a little thing that I am applying in my life that is making a big difference!
Steve Nelson, Retired Air Traffic Controller, St. George, Utah
“I’m Amazed At How Such Fundamental Changes Can Make Such A Big Difference”
It’s an inspirational life program that really does give you more energy throughout the day!
The techniques I learned have improved my posture, toned my muscles, and relieved the tension in my neck, shoulder, and lower back.
Having the emotional calm and relaxed, clear mind have been wonderful. The breathing technique has been especially helpful to alleviate the stress I encounter throughout the day.
I’m amazed at how such fundamental changes can make such a huge difference.
Lynn Kamer, Louisville, KY
“Better Mobility Now…And It Was All So Easy To Understand!”
It has been one of best if not the best course I have even taken. My mobility has greatly improved plus I have learned so much and everything is clear and easy to understand.
Me personally, I think the course is laid out in a logical manner. I can not do all the exercises now but I do the ones I can and as I improve I will get stronger and do more. Some people have much more balance and core stability than me so the way the course is set up now anyone at any level can benefit.
Thank you so much!
Sue from Florida
“How come nobody ever explained this to me? It made me mad, in a way. It’s so simple”
All through the course, I kept having moments (like when he explained the spiral) where I’d think, How come nobody ever explained that to me?
It made me mad, in a way. It’s so simple. (Well, of course it’s simple once somebody observes it and communicates it to you.)
It’s so back-to-the beginning – different from anything you learn in pilates or any other system. And I’ve got all this energy since doing the core program, it’s awesome.
You and Rebecca are such a great gift. You make everything so do-able!
Cynthia from Los Angeles
“NO LONGER FRUSTRATED! It Makes So Much Sense.”
I have tried many modalities of treatment locally with little help and much frustration- physio, massage, GP etc. I’m still blown away by the fact that someone in Indiana, US can help me here in Australia, whereas I haven’t been helped much face to face.
Its always a bit of a gamble to buy things off the internet, and I have spent money on other courses relating to back pain. They were on the right track as far as realizing it was dealing with muscle imbalances, nutrition and stress but were not comprehensive enough.
I’m just not sure why this developmental stuff isn’t known more widely. It makes so much sense.
Stella from Australia
Low Back No Longer Seizes Up, Shoulder Pain and Plantar Fascitis Fading Away
”I was looking around on YouTube for help with bursitis and I found some of your videos. I worked off the free stuff for a while and then I took the plunge.
And it’s been some of the best money I have ever spent.
Now, after your training course, my lower back no longer seizes up after a couple of long days fishing (I’m a commercial fisherman), and my shoulder tenderness, which is what led me to this course is fading. Also, plantar fasciitis is fading away.
I think the lower back flexibility is the most impressive, I never thought it would go away, it was just something to deal with as I age.
The way you teach is turning back the clock. I don’t have any of the complaints most people my age do.
I haven’t contacted you for individual coaching because I haven’t really needed it. The videos are great and I can print out directions if I want.
Anyways, that is how I am doing with the course. I will add more exercises as time goes by. My life is really busy, but time will come.
Thanks for doing this, I have never been one to exercise, my work did that for me, but I know I need to. So this is great.”
Ann Prendergast, Sointula, British Columbia, CA (population 800)
More Questions About The Course? Here's Some Of The Most Frequent Ones I Get Along With My Answers.
Very possibly. Although I can't guarantee pain relief. Hundreds of people have gotten relief from things like back pain, sciatica, neck pain, knee pain, shoulder pain, plantar fascitis, and various other happens as a side benefit of doing the work to reverse CPS.
When you fix your damaging posture and movement patterns while you simultaneously reduce nutritional and mental / emotional stress...all kinds of amazing things happen.
Most posture programs focus mainly on stretching releasing tight muscles and strengthening weak muscles.
But with the "Myobalance Method" used in this course, you learn how to "tap in" and re-awaken the ideal posture programs you created from time you were born until 4 years old.
It's what we call the "Deep Core System". Respecting the neuro-developmental process is more natural. That's why it's called "Organic Posture".
Your ideal posture "program" is still in there. You just need to be put in the right positions and given the right imagery cues to re-awaken your natural, effortless upright posture.
Plus...the physical exercise portion is only one of the 3 pillars addressed. It's a comprehensive holistic program that also includes de-programming of damaging thought patterns and anti-aging nutrition strategies.
It's a full Therapeutic Lifestyle Change (TLC) Program.
You have LIFETIME ACCESS to the training content! So you can soak it all in at your pace and on your schedule.
The original program was an 'in-person" immersive 12-week program where participants spent 3 hours a week with the circuit of exercises and 90 minutes a week with live group education.
You may want to do more than that or much less than that depending on your lifestyle, your schedule, and your level of commitment to change.
If you spent 30 minutes a day dedicated to the transformation, I would conservatively allow a 2 weeks for each module.
BUT...The Good News is this... Since you have LIFETIME ACCESS to the material, you can do the training at your own pace.
The best way to think about this is that it's a body of solid training that's designed for a major paradigm shift.
For some it takes weeks ...for some it takes years...but once you're a're always a student.
ORGANIZATION - All my YouTube and blog content are random thoughts that happen to be on my mind. This course is a structured and proven program based on the latest breakthroughs is movement therapy, nutrition, and brain training.
DEEPER MORE IN-DEPTH TRAINING - By going through this training, you will know more about how to heal your body than most conventional doctors! Like a recent enrollee just told me…”It’s like getting a PhD in how to move your body!
COMMITMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY - When you invest in yourself…it is an ACTION MOTIVATOR!! You are more likely to succeed when you invest!!
- Avoid the cost and emotional toll of eventual surgeries. (Health problems are the #1 reason for bankruptcy!)
- Save money on chiropractic and massage therapy visits
- Avoid the price of mental / emotional suffering.
- Save on medication costs.
- Avoid the cost of being disabled and being a burden on your family
The biggest difference is that Premium Coaching gives you direct access to Dr. Hoffman's advice for your specific issues.
All comments left on the site are answered directly by Dr. Hoffman within 24 to 48 hours...often sooner.
Also...Premium Coaching Students get access to twice monthly "Office Hours" where Dr. H opens up his Skype for 10 minute Speed Coaching sessions. You can use Skype video, Skype audio, or call in on your phone. Although video is always best, it's up to you what medium you use.
You can always continue on a month to month basis with no contract for just $97/month. Just email and we'll get you re-enrolled in coaching. There are also discounts for 3 month, 6 month, and year long packages.
Absolutely! We stand behind the Core Wellness Institute 100%.
I you don't feel like the course has everything you need to help you get the results you want, just send an email to within 30 days and you'll be refunded in full.

100% Risk Free 30 Day Guarantee
Because I want you to have peace of mind with this decision, you have a full 30 days to decide if this program is right for you. If you decide otherwise, no problem, just contact us through the support tab on the site and your enrollment fee with be promptly returned in full. This way I take all the risk off your shoulders and place it squarely on mine. So you have nothing to lose!