Before You Do ANY Exercise Program....READ THIS FIRST! |
Finally, A Core Training and Body Transformation System Designed Specifically For Active People Who Want To Get Reconnected To Their Body and Back To MOVING with Less Pain, More Energy, and More LIFE
Before You Do ANY Exercise Program, You Must Learn These "New Rules" of Core Training To Avoid Frustrating Injuries And The Depressing Weight Gain That Comes Along For The Ride!

Dr. Steve Teaching "Organic" Posture
From The Desk Of Dr. Steve Hoffman
-Jeffersonville, Indiana
Dear Active, Pain Free Friend (Yes, I see it already 🙂
As you read these lines your body is doing one of two things...
It's either renewing from the message of peace and balance or it’s degenerating from the message of stress and imbalance.
Which one do you feel like is happening to you?
Hopefully you said that you're feeling great and loving life! But the unfortunate odds are that if you're reading this right now, your life is being affected by some sort of annoying and frustrating pain, stiffness, or weakness that's keeping you from doing something you love.
But the good news is, if you stick with me here, you’re going to learn about some virtually unheard of techniques and strategies from Eastern European neurologists and physiotherapists that are going to help you eliminate your pain, reclaim your energy, and live the active lifestyle you deserve!
And speaking of “me”, you may be wondering who the heck I am and why you should even consider listening to me...
I'm Dr. Steve Hoffman and I've been helping people get their bodies back in balance with chiropractic rehabilitation, posture restoration, and anti-inflammatory nutrition for over 15 years in the Southern Indiana/Louisville area.
But you probably know more as 'Posturedoc", or you may have read about my “Release and Rewire” Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Program featured in the Courier Journal, or heard me with Barbara Day on Kentuckiana Health Fitness radio talking about new rehabilitation techniques from around the world.
Now let’s talk about how this training system is designed to make you look and feel younger with less pain and more energy!
How can I say that?
Because it consists of innovative and fun exercises that are specifically designed to “wake up” the same muscle contraction patterns you used as a baby to turn over, push up, sit up, and eventually stand up for the first time!
We’re going to take your nervous system “back in time” to when you were an infant!
You see, IT'S IN YOUR DNA to automatically and organically create a perfectly aligned posture as you develop from birth to 4 years old. (Barring any neurological disease, have your ever seen a 4 year old with poor posture?)
Ahh...but as ANY kind of stress, cultural habits, or injuries overwhelm these “anti-gravity” programs, the result is pain, degeneration, decay, and unhealthy aging.
But with this unique training method we call the "Myobalance Method" (which means "muscle balance"), you will discover how to “re-groove” these patterns and actually learn to “recycle” gravity and use it as a spring to give you a more “weightless” feeling.
And after working with hundreds of clients on individual body transformation programs, I have created an invigorating mix of exercises that not only give you a more balanced and confident look, but also specifically train your coordination and stability.
You’ll be “toning down” your tight and painful “stress muscles” that cause pain and unhealthy aging and “toning up” your weak and flabby muscles that keep you looking and feeling young and healthy!
You see, even though it doesn’t have to happen, when your bodymind is under any physical, emotional, or even nutritional stress, there is a very predictable set of muscles that get weak and flabby from being underworked and there’s an opposing set of muscles that tighten and get overworked!
This muscle imbalance sets you up for degeneration, pain, and disability. Think about it…
Envision yourself old, stressed, and broken down. What do you look like? Is your chest open or closed down? Are you slumped foreword or are you standing up straight? Are you walking tall or are you “hunched and shuffling”?
All these unsightly and “old looking” closed down hunchback postures DO NOT HAVE TO HAPPEN!! They are a result of one thing…
And the longer you wait, the deeper you “cut the grooves” of your damaging and stressful patterns. And guess what? It’s a heck of a lot harder and takes a lot longer to reverse it!!
So what’s the first step?
Just being aware of the problem!
Think about it, have you ever really thought about muscle imbalance as a major problem? My guess is no. But it happens time and time again in my practice. A client comes in and says “Since I’ve been more aware of my posture I feel ten times better!” or “Every time I find myself getting tense all I have to do is stop and correct my posture and I can keep it from going into a pounding headache! It’s absolutely amazing!!”
Secrets From Prague Will Finally Open Your Eyes To New Amazing Possibilities With Your Body!
The firecracker for this program was lit after I was blown away by a recent breakthrough technique I learned while in a 2 day rehab training in Chicago with 2 world-renowned physiotherapists from Prague. To be honest, the very foundation of knowledge I had been teaching from for the past 5 years was shaken and crumbled.
(Just when you think you’ve really got it, new research explodes and you have to make a decision to keep teaching the old and comfortable techniques or stay on the cutting edge. And yes, the cutting edge is sometimes an “uncomfortable” place to be. But I couldn’t imagine being anywhere else! It’s about the challenge and the excitement of being able to share with the world the new ideas that can literally keep you “forever young” and eliminating the prisons of medication dependence.)
But as I learned the technique and spent several hours practicing, I experienced some unbelievable sensations of weightlessness I’d never in my life experienced before. Yet, at the same time, I also felt more stable, grounded and “in touch” with my body. My spine felt “free” and my attitude immediately felt more positive.
Since sharing this incredible "push away" technique with hundreds of course students and MILLIONS of people on YouTube, there's new "Organic Posture" movement happening.
And now I want more people to “get it”. I want YOU to get it!
That’s why I’ve developed the Myobalance Method with “Anti-Gravity Posture Training” as an integral part of the process.
As a matter of fact, one of the exercises in the system is actually called "Full-Body Anti-Gravity”!
When I work with my private clients, I have them walk around the studio a couple of times and really tune in to how they feel. Then I have them do the “2-minute anti-gravity exercise” and repeat the walk and I ask how they feel.
Nearly EVERY one has said they felt “weightless” or “lighter”. And more than half have a “Whoa” or “Wow” experience as they step off the “platform”.
This stuff is just so cool and so amazingly simple! It's just that we've put all of our own stress induced dysfunctional patterns in the way of this weightless perfection.
So let's break out of this together, shall we?
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The key to the effectiveness of your sales message is building rapport with your web site visitor. In this section of the page you should detail “Who you are and why they should listen to you?”.
This will enable you to build credibility, share your proven results, establish your authority and credentials.
Remember: People buy from people they know, like and trust.
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Quisque consectetur, sem eu malesuada dictum, nisi ligula elementum risus, eu imperdiet sem dolor eget tellus. Maecenas et dictum tellus, ut malesuada lectus. Integer imperdiet ullamcorper ipsum a porta. Vestibulum rutrum urna at velit eleifend lacinia. Maecenas leo nisl, ultrices vitae lectus et, aliquet porta velit. Sed convallis facilisis bibendum. Nullam vestibulum, orci vel sagittis auctor, urna nisi suscipit felis, eu lacinia sem mauris id elit. Integer non nisi non mi tristique faucibus vel dictum justo. Sed dictum pretium orci, et egestas tortor gravida eget. Sed aliquam egestas erat, gravida commodo tortor iaculis vel. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aenean et urna odio. Maecenas ultricies est euismod purus pharetra hendrerit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

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Before we start to talk about the product/service/solution we have on offer for our website visitor its important to share with them how you or your company became knowledgeable in the subject matter and why you provide a viable solution.
Feel free to use your story telling skills, never forget that you are talking to real people and the more you make an emotional connection with them the more they are going to pay attention to what you have to say.
The better the job you do making a connection with your reader, and the more they see their results played out in your story, the more likely they are to accept any offering you have for them.
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Now we start to talk in detail about the our product or service in this section. We want to focus on the benefits potential customer will experience as a result. Its good practice to avoid getting too specific, you should avoid in depth discussion on the features of the product.
Bullet lists on sales pages simply work...
They capture people scanning down the page, and allow people to quickly grab an essence of the improvements that lay ahead for them should they choose to take you up on your sales offer.
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- Benefit 1 - In id venenatis purus, at scelerisque massa. Suspendisse sed rhoncus elit. Curabitur ut ultrices lacus, ac ornare elit. Etiam scelerisque accumsan lacus sed sollicitudin. Aenean vitae est nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mattis ligula malesuada viverra dapibus.
- Benefit 2 - In id venenatis purus, at scelerisque massa. Suspendisse sed rhoncus elit. Curabitur ut ultrices lacus, ac ornare elit. Etiam scelerisque accumsan lacus sed sollicitudin. Aenean vitae est nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mattis ligula malesuada viverra dapibus.
- Benefit 3 - In id venenatis purus, at scelerisque massa. Suspendisse sed rhoncus elit. Curabitur ut ultrices lacus, ac ornare elit. Etiam scelerisque accumsan lacus sed sollicitudin. Aenean vitae est nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mattis ligula malesuada viverra dapibus.
- Benefit 4 - In id venenatis purus, at scelerisque massa. Suspendisse sed rhoncus elit. Curabitur ut ultrices lacus, ac ornare elit. Etiam scelerisque accumsan lacus sed sollicitudin. Aenean vitae est nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mattis ligula malesuada viverra dapibus.
- Benefit 5 - In id venenatis purus, at scelerisque massa. Suspendisse sed rhoncus elit. Curabitur ut ultrices lacus, ac ornare elit. Etiam scelerisque accumsan lacus sed sollicitudin. Aenean vitae est nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mattis ligula malesuada viverra dapibus.
- Benefit 6 - In id venenatis purus, at scelerisque massa. Suspendisse sed rhoncus elit. Curabitur ut ultrices lacus, ac ornare elit. Etiam scelerisque accumsan lacus sed sollicitudin. Aenean vitae est nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mattis ligula malesuada viverra dapibus.
- Benefit 7 - In id venenatis purus, at scelerisque massa. Suspendisse sed rhoncus elit. Curabitur ut ultrices lacus, ac ornare elit. Etiam scelerisque accumsan lacus sed sollicitudin. Aenean vitae est nunc. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed mattis ligula malesuada viverra dapibus.
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Testimonials from other successful customers are very powerful. A key in using testimonials is to remember that people are tuned into WII FM - "Whats in it for Me".
Showcasing testimonials that not only confirm the quality of your product, but also handle buyer objections, will serve you very very well. Objections such as, “Will this work for me?”, “Is this company/person trustworthy?”, “How long will this take and do I have time for this?".
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In this section we break down the product/service that the customer will get when they accept your sales offer.People like to see what they are going to get and see proof of the value that they will receive.
Again - its important not to get too technical with the features of the service but continue to focus on the benefits ahead.
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Product Benefit 1

Product Benefit 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. James Dyson, OptimizePress
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. James Dyson, OptimizePress

Product Benefit 3

Product Benefit 4

Product Benefit 5

Satisfaction Guarantee
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If people get to this section of the sales page then they need to see some further additional benefits before they commit to buy. So BONUS items included in the purchase are great conversion tools.
These can be additional services, blueprints, interview recordings, software, event tickets, etc...
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Bonus #1
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Usually $97
Bonus #2
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Usually $97
Bonus #3
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Usually $97
Here you can close off your sales page. This is your final chance to reinforce the main benefits of your product or service. Remind people of the challenges that they currently face and will overcome.
Don't forget to ask them to buy your product or service. This is your final CALL TO ACTION, so it is time to tell people what to do next. Make sure it is clear that getting started is simple and easy.
Adding a "P.S." is a proven way to cover and capture any final objections that people may have and convenience them that you or your company have the knowledge, experience and a proven product that will provide them with a solution.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi at nunc in sapien ultricies varius vitae in sapien. Mauris varius turpis quis pellentesque dignissim. Nunc blandit molestie molestie. Sed et molestie magna, et imperdiet sem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Suspendisse laoreet gravida sem, sed tincidunt risus pellentesque ac. Vivamus eget orci quis libero malesuada viverra tincidunt eget magna. Nam tristique pellentesque felis, eu facilisis turpis auctor non.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. James Dyson, OptimizePress
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. James Dyson, OptimizePress