No More Useless And Uncomfortable Neck Retraction Exercises. It's Time To "Fix Your Forward Head...From Your CORE!"

Let's face's an ugly pandemic.
It's the most common cause of neck pain, shoulder pain, arm and hand tingling, stress headaches, migraines, and even jaw pain.
It's unattractive.
It makes you look and feel older than you really are.
It's forward head posture...or FHP for short.
And after 20 years of helping people get rid of pain from Crossed Posture Syndrome, I've discovered that FHP is by far the most common reason for the look and feel of unhealthy aging.
The problem with FHP is it kind of sneaks up on you as stress accumulates in your life. So you don't see it coming until you start developing pain, fatigue, and a hunched over appearance.
And a whopping 1/3 of us have a predisposition to it even in childhood.
Combine this predisposition with all the "forward head" of our computer, TV, and hand held device sedentary society and you've got a prescription for a major FHP epidemic!
The good news is, I've been helping people correct it online through the Core Wellness Institute training course, webinars, and blog posts for over 10 years.
But until now, the only way to get my help was to jump around on YouTube and pick up bits and pieces, or enroll in the full Core Wellness Institute online course.
But now, in order to make it more accessible and reach more people with the important message of fixing FHP, I've created this new focused program for you.
And you're going to LOVE the price.
The NEW "Fix Your Forward Head...From The CORE" 30-Day Transformation Challenge
This special program is dedicated to reversing FHP for the long term because it will not be done with outdated "neck retraction" exercises.
The ONLY way to reverse the pain, fatigue, and the look and feel of unhealthy aging is to "re-awaken" the natural "up-righting" pattern you developed from the time you began lifting your head at only 6 weeks old.
That's right, you're going to take your bodymind "back in time" to the positions of these critical time frames and re-wire good head positioning "from the core" that doesn't feel "forced" and uncomfortable.
With this program, with help from me as your "stern but concerned" teacher, you're going to feel younger, lighter, taller, more relaxed, and more confident.
And although the goal of the program is to fix your forward head and stop and even reverse the hunched over appearance of unhealthy aging, I think you'll be pleasantly surprised at the "side effects" of less pain and more energy along the way.
Here's What You Get...
As soon as you register, you get immediate access to:
Plus...I added two BONUS videos from inside the CWI Course That You'll Also Have Immediate Access To Upon Registration:
And We're Not Stopping There. There's LOTS Of Support...
So how much???
As far as price, this is the same unique training and education I give to my patients and private clients that pay me hundreds and even thousands of dollars get rid of headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, carpal tunnel, TMJ issues, mid back pain, and an assortment of other annoying problems.
But to make it more accessible to more people, I've decided to lower the barrier to entry on this training program.
So here's how I came up with a sensible price point...
Since I currently have each of the FYFHP web training videos (part one and part two) for sale on my website for $27 apiece...the 2 FHP classes (which you'll have access to immediately) come to $54.
And each additional live coaching session, where you can ask me anything and get immediate live help, has at LEAST a value of the same. But we'll stay on the low end for the live sessions at $27 apiece.
So that's two in-depth FYFHP training videos for $54.
Plus 5 live coaching / Q&A sessions at $27 apiece. So that's an additional $135.
And the Direct Access Premium Support / Coaching where you get specific recommendations for your individual issues inside the FHP members area is normally $47/month to have me on retainer.
So when we add it all up that's $54 + $135 + $47 = $236
Now, I could have done the "internet marketing thing" where I over inflate the price of all individual videos and value it all at $2000.
But even though it certainly could be worth that if you finally got rid of annoying neck pain, shoulder pain, headaches, or carpal tunnel, I think it's unethical to inflate pricing like that.
So This is a Very REAL value of $236.
But...since this is a new program that I've designed this program to more accessible so I can save as many people as possible from falling into the painful and unsightly trap of forward head, I'm releasing it for only $97.
Then you'll have immediate access to ALL the training content and live coaching recordings.
All you have to do now to be the first in line to take advantage of the introductory pricing is click the button below
I'm excited to help you stay young, healthy, happy, and strong so you can live with less pain, more energy, and of course...better posture 🙂
See you on the inside! Click the button below now and let's get started.
Dr. Steve
P.S. You're always protected by our 30-day money back guarantee. If you don't think the training and access to individual help is worth your investment, just let me know within 30 days and you're enrollment will be refunded in full.
That way I'm taking all the risk and you've got nothing to lose.
P.P.S. The introductory enrollment period with the additional 30 days of direct access premium coaching support will only be available for a limited time, so click the button below now to claim your spot.