(You are here because you entered your email to be notified when the
"Reverse CPS Now!" Organic Posture training and coaching program re-opened)
Real quick…starting at 2PM, EASTERN STANDARD TIME, MONDAY MAY 7th, I'm giving 10 people a very special opportunity to get LIFETIME ACCESS to my new coaching program for helping me out with something very important.
Here's what's going on. 
You see, I recently completely overhauled the training course website.  New web hosting provider, new server, the whole nine yards….in preparation for re-opening our training and coaching program,
And I need a quick trial group of people to use the new and improved site, give me some first impression feedback, and let me know about any glitches I missed.
And for helping me out, you're going to get the full training course for the lowest price I offer it…
PLUS my "direct access", $47/month coaching program for free…for life.
That means, as long as the internet is alive, and as long as I'm alive and still able to do this, you can ask me any question in the comments about any particular area where you're feeling "stuck" on your individual issues.

I know that seems like a lot to give away but it's very important to me to make sure this site works cleanly and delivers fast and permanent results.

So instead of the $564 you would spend on just one year of the coaching program, you'll get lifetime access for just $197.
That's less than just one hour of a private consultation with me and you get the same education and training my patients receive when they participate in our $2000 "Releas and Rewire"12-Week BodyMind Restoration Program.
In addition to getting direct access to my advice through the comments on the site
for your individual issues, here's exactly what to expect in the full training course:
  • Getting Started Module – To establish baselines and give background on the Core Wellness Institute philosophy
  • 5 Modules of detailed  step by step video exercise instruction with printable PDF's and coaching tips
  • Mini Circuit Videos for each module for short but effective sessions when you're time challenged  (with PDF's)
  • Module 6 is A "Flow Series" Video that puts it all together
  • Crucial Concept Videos – with these key videos, which are presented strategically throughout the modules, you can transform your posture, eliminate pain, and increase your energy and inner calm without ever doing an official "exercise"
  •  Activities of Daily Living Library – how to do what you do when you do it (HYDWYDWYDI) without damaging your body!  Everything from going up and down stairs to getting in and out of a car.  
  • "Think Right, Eat Right, Move Right" 3 Pillars Mini Boot Camp – Audio and video of a live event covering all the basics of pain relief and healthy aging
  • Resource Center Vendors for fitness and rehab supplies, diet guides, recipes, checklist to use when searching for a practitioner in your area who knows about Crossed Posture Syndrome
  • Q&A Archives – 5 Hours and 20 minutes of video troubleshooting, tweaks, and specific answers for specific health problems (nutrition and mindset issues included)
  • "3 Pillars" Therapeutic Lifestyle Change Action Guides – Each action guide serves as a mini seminar and has steps you can take action on weekly for less pain and more energy!  Each guide addresses the 3 Pillars of Core Wellness…Mindset, Movement, and Nutrition.
  • BONUS:  *Audio Health Coaching:  "The 10 Core Secrets To An Energetic And Pain Free Life" – 11,  in-depth, 90-minute sessions that we recorded live during an in-office program including:  1. Overview  2. Thoughts  3. Movement  4. Insulin/Sugar Balance 5. Inflammation 6. Energy  7. Hormone Balance  8. Methylation  9. Detoxification  10. Immune Function  11. Stress Handling
There's over 30 hours of multi-media training on the site.  But to prevent overwhelm, I've got the 6 modules laid out step by step so you can start on those and soak up the rest of the material as you wish.




Although some people gobble up the content in the 12-week period, most take it slower and consume it at their own nice and easy pace.
However you consume it, all I'm asking of you as a member of this trial group is to give me your first impression and scan the site for any obvious errors or glitches that you find so I can have it ready for public opening. 
Fair enough?
There will be other additional benefits added when I officially re-open and you will get access to those as well.
But remember…I'm only taking 10 people for this.
And so everyone has the same chance,
this is your advanced notice that the doors for this trial will open at NOON, MONDAY, MAY 7TH.
That's when the button on this page will go live and be open for only 24 hours, but the sooner you jump on it, the more likely you'll get one of the 10 spots.

One last thing…Even though the cost is minimal for what you're getting with this offer, I realize that buying programs online is often a risk.

So I want to make you feel comfortable in your decision to take me up on this.




Here's why you have nothing to lose.
After you enroll, you have 30 days to decide if it wasworth the investment.  If not, simply ask for a refund.  That way I take the risk off of your shoulders and place it squarely on mine.
I know I would want that option so I believe it's only fair to offer you that guarantee.
OK, all you have to do now is be one of the first 10 people to hit the "Add To Cart" link below and you've got me as a coach for life for less than you would spend on 1 hour with me in private!
It will be a PayPal button.  You do NOT have to have a PayPal account to purchase.  Just click on "Don't Have A PayPal Account?  Use your credit card here."
Since I don't have all the automatic registration and thank you pages and all that set up yet, there may be up to an hour or so delay before you here from me to give you your username and password to enter the training and coaching site.
But as long as the button is live and your payment goes through…you're in!
So click "Add To Cart" Now and  I look forward to your feedback and seeing you on the inside at the Core Wellness Institute!