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“The coaching program was great! Dr. Hoffman presented it in such a way that was easy to understand and it gave me the motivation I needed to start exercising more regularly again. Now I know precisely how to make my body burn more fat!”        
                                                                                                     – Laura Crowley, New Albany, IN

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[headline_arial_medium_centered color=”#000000″]“How To Eliminate Stress Induced Weight Gain and Insulin Resistance Through Hormone Balance” [/headline_arial_medium_centered]

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  • How insulin, stress hormones, sex hormones, and thyroid hormones interact to slow your metabolism to a crawl (and natural ways to balance them out for maximum fat burning)
  • The surprising and powerful effects of sleep on your fat packing hormones (and new drug free strategies for catching up on some slimming zzz’s.)
  • Why your adrenal glands are overworked and underpaid and how nurturing this powerful gland could be the key to your freedom from flab
  • The surprising reason why you must eat fat to burn fat! (You’ll discover which ones to focus on that actually ramps up the “fat destroyers” in your cells.)
  • How to know if the weight you’re losing is coming from fat, muscle, or water.
  • The never discussed toxic dangers of rapid weight loss (and how you can keep it from happening!)


It’s that time of year when it seems like everyone starts getting just a little bit “off track” when it comes to good nutrition. That’s right… we’re smack dab in Holiday season. Also known to some as cold and flu season, depression season, and definitely… stress overload season.
If you are like a lot of my students and private clients, your goal might be to “just get through” the holidays so you can start fresh in the New Year.
But what if you actually were able to have MORE ENERGY, LESS PAIN, and a greater sense of PEACE and CALM this year instead of feeling stressed out and sluggish?
Well that’s my goal with this new “Build Your Buffer” Core Wellness Nutrition Training Series…to help you get informed, motivated, and inspired to feel your best this year!
Here’s the plan…STARTING MONDAY,
My goal with this special “Build Your Buffer” Health Coaching series is to help you stay on track by providing you with some powerful motivation and inspiration to implement the basics so you can actually use this season to gain ground instead of losing it!
These sessions will give you the practical “how to” strategies you can put in place immediately to shrink your waistline, bulletproof your immune system, and boost your stamina in the face of the season!
Training sessions like these in the past have been literally life changing for lots of people. Here’s a few comments from past group coaching sessions:
“Before this class I had a sweet tooth and was a sugar lover. Now my entire perception has changed. As result of incorporating what I’ve learned in the classes, I’ve lost 12 pounds, but more importantly…9 inches!

I liked his explanation of what is actually happening in your body when you consume various substances or live under stress. It makes it REAL, it makes you WANT to make changes in your diet and activities

You learn natural ways to combat a world of “cure it with a pill”. It’s the kind of information that you can truly apply to your daily life thus making you happier and healthier than ever before.
It’s amazing – the power of knowledge. It’s fun, it’s informational, and it can certainly change your life.   I really enjoy the enthusiasm of Dr. Hoffman.                               

  -Diane Sartini – Jeffersonville, IN

“I believe similar classes should be mandatory for graduation from high school! People need to know a lot of time they are ill because of the lack of nutrients in their food and Dr. Hoffman did a very commendable job explaining how different vitamins and minerals effect each organ in your body.”                                                                                                             
–          Russell Jones, Elizabeth, IN
“The coaching program was great! Dr. Hoffman presented it in such a way that was easy to understand and it gave me the motivation I needed to start exercising more regularly again. Now I know precisely how to make my body burn more fat!”        
                           – Laura Crowley, New Albany, IN
So here you go…this is how the training sessions line up:
“Building Your Buffer”

                                                     Session One: 
“How To Eliminate Stress Induced Weight Gain and Insulin Resistance Through Hormone Balance”
What’s the biggest inflammation-causing organ in your body? New science has even got Oprah’s Dr. OZ telling millions of people about the dangers of belly fat! It’ not just unsightly and uncomfortable, it’s also an INFLAMMATION FACTORY!
Inflammation lies at the core of all disease processes and must be controlled. Excess fat also increases your levels of toxic estrogen that is the #1 risk factor for developing hormone related cancer (breast, prostate, uterine, ovarian) and other signs of imbalance like mood disorders, depression, hot flashes, low sex drive, and hard to lose weight gain, to name a few!
Here’s just a few of the phenomenal insights you’ll gain at this important session.
  • How insulin, stress hormones, sex hormones, and thyroid hormones interact to slow your metabolism to a crawl (and natural ways to balance them out for maximum fat burning)
  • The surprising and powerful effects of sleep on your fat packing hormones (and new drug free strategies for catching up on some slimming zzz’s.)
  • Why your adrenal glands are overworked and underpaid and how nurturing this powerful gland could be the key to your freedom from flab.
  • The surprising reason why you must eat fat to burn fat! (You’ll discover which ones to focus on that actually ramps up the “fat destroyers” in your cells.)
  • How to know if the weight you’re losing is coming from fat, muscle, or water.
  • The never discussed toxic dangers of rapid weight loss (and how you can keep it from happening!)
Thursday, Nov. 8th “THE FAT BALANCE PHENOMENON: Understanding How Your ‘Omega’ Fats Are The KEY To A Long, Energetic Life With A Sharp Mind!”
Nothing, and I mean NOTHING is more important to creating a healthy and happy community of cells than the fat you eat. And I’m not just talking about avoiding greasy cheeseburgers (actually some cheeseburgers can actually help you balance your fat and I’ll tell you why). Every grain, fruit, and veggie has fats that can make you or break you if they’re eaten out of balance.
  • Discover how to avoid an inflammation induced heart attack or the growth of cancer cells.
  • Eliminate your allergies or asthma
  • Soften your skin and enjoy a thicker head of hair
  • Reduce blood sugar cravings
  • Improve kids behavior and eliminate dependence on Ritalin and other harmful stimulant drugs
  • Improve hormone balance symptoms like PMS, Hot Flashes, Low Sex Drive, ED
  • Treat depression without drugs
Thursday, Nov 15th “The GUTS To Be Healthy: The Often Overlooked Key To Fatigue, Allergies, Chronic Pain, and Other Conditions of Unhealthy Aging”
You don’t have to have irritable bowel syndrome or ulcerative colitis to suffer the effects of gastrointestinal problems. We’ll start at your mouth and go all the way to the “end” and show you how you can maximize the use of your stomach, pancreas, liver, intestines, and colon to get rid of the following problems that usually are never thought of as gut-connected: fatigue, chronic pain, foggy thinking, annoying allergies, autoimmune problems, atopic dermatitis (skin problems), brain degeneration, arthritis, not to mention the more obvious symptoms of bloating, gas, constipation, and diarrhea.
You’ll learn…
  • The #1 food culprit that you’re likely eating daily that can be responsible for everything from arthritis to brain inflammation, to autoimmune thyroid disease. (and a simple strategy to see if it’s affecting you!)
  • Why too much stomach acid is NOT the problem that causes heartburn, reflux, and ulcers (and alternatives to the acid blocking drugs that set you up for tons of downstream problems)
  • The 4 step gut restoration protocol and the foods and nutrients you need to do it
  • The secrets to choosing the right probiotic (beneficial gut bacteria supplement). (You’ll receive a checklist of things to ask the company)
Thursday, Nov. 29th “How To Cleanse A Toxic Body: Supporting Liver Detoxification with Nutrition”
Signs of chronic poisoning are fatigue, sleep disturbance, gut distress, headaches, allergy symptoms, confusion, and anxiety (Clinical chemistry 1996). There are billions of tons of toxic emissions, dumping, etc every year. It’s not a question of whether you’re storing toxins in your body. It’s a matter of how well you get rid of them. Find out how your liver does it and how you can improve it!!
You’ll discover:
  • Which everyday household products pose the most risk and how to avoid them
  • The key nutrients that “speed up” the packaging of toxins and send them out the chute!
  • Under what dangerous conditions you must NEVER do a liver cleanse.
  • How your liver could be responsible for your fatigue, pain, allergies, arthritis, or any other kind of inflammatory condition.
Just one insight you gain could be worth thousands and even hundreds of thousands of dollars in medical bills (have you seen what a night in the hospital or a bypass surgery costs?). What if you could get off a drug or two that’s costing you hundreds of dollars a month? Would it be worth it?
These unique coaching sessions are $20 per class and only $15 per class if you beat the early bird deadline of 5pm Monday, Oct. 29th
And we’re not going to be there all night. The classes will run from 6pm sharp to 7pm. I realize your time is precious, especially this time of year. So we’ll get you armed with knowledge and practical action steps and you’ll be on your way. I wouldn’t want you to miss any of Grey’s Anatomy! (They need a good chiropractor on staff there to shake things up a bit. Don’t you think?)
The sessions will be held here at the studio, 246 Spring Street in downtown Jeffersonville.
Here’s how to enroll for the sessions:
Simply circle the dates you will be attending and fax, mail, or drop the enclosed pink enrollment form off at the studio.  You may pay the total with cash, check, or charge.
The gathering of like-minded individuals has a power of its own, too! Form new relationships, share snack, school lunch, and meal ideas. Even scheme to make your holiday meals a little less inflammatory (you’ll know what I mean after the “Fat Balance Phenomenon” session on the 8th.)
So get out your calendars, line up your sitters, and do whatever you have to do to make it to these valuable group sessions. The food you eat has so much power. And new breakthroughs in nutrition are happening daily. Come get a big heaping helping of knowledge and I’ll help you put it into action.
In health,
Dr. Hoffman
P.S.     Remember…beating the EARLYBIRD deadline of 5pm Monday, Oct. 29th SAVES $5 per class
P.S.S   There will be special FAST ACTION BONUS for the first 7 to enroll for all 4 sessions. These lucky 7 will receive a FREE Computerized Body Composition and Tissue Health Analysis called Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA) to get a baseline reading on your body fat, lean body mass, cellular hydration, and cellular resiliency. Complete with interpretation and recommendations. (Normally $45!) Get those enrollments in now, and get ready to build your holiday buffer with nutrition!

P.S.S.S   Yes, membership has its privileges! Core Wellness monthly “Gold Members” attend for only $10 per class before the early bird deadline and $15 after.